Survey of critical issues facing our region

The Baltimore Metropolitan Council has conducted the first-ever survey of critical policy issues facing the Baltimore metropolitan area. This unprecedented snapshot can help guide the region’s planning and decision making in the months and years ahead.

The Pulse will be an annual survey – so views can be tracked over time, and policymakers can identify trends and progress.


The Pulse, is unique among polling conducted in the Baltimore region because it includes a sufficient sample size that yields statistically valid results for each of the seven jurisdictions in the metropolitan area: Baltimore City and Baltimore County, along with Anne Arundel, Carroll, Harford, Howard and Queen Anne’s counties.

Economy & Personal Finance

Baltimore region residents say their cost of living is high, and troubling to many. A clear majority are unsatisfied with cost of living — 71% overall across the region, reaching high of 81% dissatisfaction.

Housing & Development

Nearly 8 in 10 say housing costs are a problem, and more than half of all respondents say they are a “major” problem. The numbers are high and consistent in every jurisdiction.

Traffic, Transportation and Transit

Concerns about traffic are pervasive; the region’s resident are generally unsatisfied with traffic and most think its getting worse but more young people are willing to use public transportation.

Quality of Life

Satisfaction with community amenities, traffic and cost of living in general

Most Concerning?

The survey shows that crime and the economy are forefront in our minds with many dissatisfied with schools, traffic and cost of living.

Trending News

  • Residents weighed in on current events and news affecting the region.
  • Harbor Place
  • The Key Bridge
  • Red Line

Who conducted the Poll?

The 2024 Pulse survey was conducted by GQR, a leading Washington-based polling firm. GQR conducted a 15-minute mixed mode survey among 1,200 adults in Baltimore City and Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Harford, Howard, Carroll, and Queen Anne’s counties from September 3-9, 2024.

Live phone, text-to-web, and online interviews each made up 33% of respondents. Respondents were compiled from a representative distinct set and sample of the target area’s general population.


  • Margin of error of +/- 2.83 percentage points overall at the 95 percent confidence interval
  • 1200 adults questioned across 6 counties
  • The data are statistically weighted to ensure the sample’s regional, age, and gender composition reflects that of Baltimore and the selected surrounding counties.

The Pulse is prepared for the Baltimore
Metropolitan Council
a trusted group of experts who help guide the future of the Baltimore region by evaluating needs and trends, listening to communities and developing and implementing programs and projects.